October 18, 2009

Modern Vintage Chicago: Verdict = Major SWOON

This weekend, the producers of the Randolph Street Market are hosting an event entitled Modern Vintage Chicago. In my never-ending quest to get first dibs on goods prior to the masses, I attended the Preview Party on Friday evening. I'm a huge fan of the Randolph Street Market and Modern Vintage Chicago far exceeded my already high expectations! There were so many great vintage and vintage-inspired items as well as unique designs from local independent designers. Needless to say, I walked away with a few things - a flapper hat designed by the lovely ladies of Double Stitch, two necklaces and a pair of vintage earrings - and spent less than $100!

I was enamored with the wide range of vintage items available(low- and high-end) - from Bakelite earrings to vintage Chanel handbags; from pillbox hats to fur stoles. Plus, all of the vendors were nice and accommodating. The conversations alone were enough to entice me a buyer to purchase SOMEthing. It was shopper's heaven!

The DJ was great and the fashion show was fun! I can't really provide feedback on how the food tasted. It looked and smelled fantastic. However, seeing as that I (and my shopping partner) shopped until waaaay past the closing time of 9pm, there was no time to eat. Clearly, shopping was the only thing on our minds!

The only heartbreaking moment was learning that I had left my camera at home. Luckily, I was still able to snap a few great photos with my blackberry to give you a small glimpse of all the fabulousness I encountered (see below).

If you attended the event, let me know what you thought and bought. If you didn't attend and you're reading this on the morning of Sunday, October 18th, logoff your computer RIGHT NOW and head over to Modern Vintage Chicago. Don't forget to tell them ChiTown Fashionista sent ya!

^vendor, Kim Olson, looking extremely chic in a fur stole belted at the waist

"Must Adds" For Your Fashionista Files

Some of the vendors that I either already had an affinity for OR instantly fell in love with at the event:

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Blogger Alice Devon said...

The collection is awesome!

Alice Devon
Discount Jewelry

April 27, 2010 at 7:35 PM  

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